Busy Business

Lately, it seems that my wall clocks are spiraling out of control, spinning their faces off, coils and numbers shooting all over the place like bottle-rockets gone wrong. Time is off the chain and barking at the neighbors.

I am starting a business.

Melding my art background with my training and passion for design, I have begun building a creative division connected with Piedmont Paint & Finish– my good friend’s painting company.

Pigment will specialize in color, as the name suggests. We will offer color consultation (hourly and by the project).

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In our showroom/shop, you will find samples of custom paint techniques, re-fabbed painted furniture and hand-made furnishings from local designers. Because of our on-going relationship with major, national paint suppliers, we can offer personalized service enhanced by exceptional products.

There are still many loose ends that are being attentively woven into the pattern of this new and exciting business. But each day brings me and my partner closer to inviting you into an original and vital experience with color.

I’ll let you know when we put the clocks back up on the freshly painted walls and the doors are ready to open.sign no border

Sneak peek…

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